Dua new born

Congratulations on the arrival of your new baby!

Here are some dua (prayers) that you can recite for your newborn:

For the baby's well-being and protection:

"Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin, was-salatu was-salamu 'ala rasulillah. Allahumma innee as'aluka khair al-khairi, wa khair al-khairi, wa khair al-khairi, wa khair al-khairi. Wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in, wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in, wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in. Wa innee as'aluka khair al-khairi, wa khair al-khairi, wa khair al-khairi, wa khair al-khairi. Wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in, wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in, wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in."

Translation: "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, I ask You for the best of good, and the best of good, and the best of good, and the best of good. And I seek refuge for him from the evil of anything, and the evil of anything, and the evil of anything. And I ask You for the best of good, and the best of good, and the best of good, and the best of good. And I seek refuge for him from the evil of anything, and the evil of anything, and the evil of anything."

For the baby's guidance and wisdom:

"Allahumma innee as'aluka al-huda wa al-furqan, wa al-'ilma wa al-'ilma, wa al-'ilma wa al-'ilma. Wa a'fu anhu min al-jahiliyya, wa a'fu anhu min al-jahiliyya, wa a'fu anhu min al-jahiliyya."

Translation: "O Allah, I ask You for guidance and wisdom, and knowledge and knowledge, and knowledge and knowledge. And I seek refuge for him from ignorance, and I seek refuge for him from ignorance, and I seek refuge for him from ignorance."

For the baby's protection from harm:

"Allahumma innee as'aluka an yahfuzhu min sharri kulli shay'in, wa an yahfuzhu min sharri kulli shay'in, wa an yahfuzhu min sharri kulli shay'in. Wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in, wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in, wa a'fu anhu min sharri shay'in."

Translation: "O Allah, I ask You to protect him from the evil of everything, and to protect him from the evil of everything, and to protect him from the evil of everything. And I seek refuge for him from the evil of anything, and I seek refuge for him from the evil of anything, and I seek refuge for him from the evil of anything."

Remember to recite these dua with sincerity and faith, and to make sure to perform the necessary ablutions before reciting them. May these prayers bring blessings and protection to your newborn baby.