Dua for new clothes

Here are some beautiful du'as (prayers) you can recite when buying or receiving new clothes:

Before buying new clothes:

  1. "Allahumma, I seek Your guidance and Your blessings in this purchase. Grant me the ability to choose wisely and make a decision that pleases You."
  2. "Rabbana, I ask You to guide me in my shopping and to grant me the best of what I seek. Ameen."

When trying on new clothes:

  1. "Allahumma, I ask You to bless me with the best of what I am trying on. Grant me the ability to look good and feel confident in Your creation."
  2. "Rabbana, I seek Your approval and Your blessings in this outfit. Make me look pleasing to You and to others."

When receiving new clothes as a gift:

  1. "Alhamdu lillah, I thank You, Allah, for this gift. May it bring me joy and comfort, and may I use it to serve You and Your creation."
  2. "Rabbana, I ask You to bless this gift and to use it as a means of bringing me closer to You. Ameen."

General du'a for new clothes:

  1. "Allahumma, I ask You to bless my new clothes and to use them as a means of bringing me closer to You. Grant me the ability to wear them with humility and gratitude."
  2. "Rabbana, I seek Your guidance and Your blessings in my attire. Make me look pleasing to You and to others, and grant me the ability to use my clothes to spread Your message of love and compassion."

Remember to always recite these du'as with sincerity and humility, and to be grateful for the blessings you receive.