Dua for buying a new house
Here are some du'as (supplications) you can recite when buying a new house:
Before the purchase:
- "Allahumma inna nas'aluka khair al-khairi wa khair al-mu'asi" (O Allah, we ask You for the best of this world and the best of the Hereafter).
- "Rabbana atina al-furqan al-hasan" (Our Lord, grant us the good judgment).
- "Allahumma inna nas'aluka khair al-bayti wa khair al-makan" (O Allah, we ask You for the best of the house and the best of the location).
When signing the papers:
- "Allahumma inna nas'aluka khair al-bayti wa khair al-makan wa khair al-mal" (O Allah, we ask You for the best of the house, the best of the location, and the best of the wealth).
- "Rabbana atina al-furqan al-hasan wa atina al-mal al-hasan" (Our Lord, grant us the good judgment and grant us the good wealth).
After the purchase:
- "Alhamdu lillahi rabbil-'alamin, ash-shukra lillahi rabbil-'alamin" (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds).
- "Allahumma inna nas'aluka khair al-bayti wa khair al-makan wa khair al-mal, wa khair al-ahli wa khair al-jirani" (O Allah, we ask You for the best of the house, the best of the location, the best of the wealth, the best of the family, and the best of the neighbors).
Additional tips:
- Try to recite these du'as with sincerity and humility.
- Make sure to perform the ablution (wudu) before reciting the du'as.
- You can also recite these du'as during the house inspection or when viewing the property.
- Remember to thank Allah for the blessings He has bestowed upon you, and to be grateful for the new home.
May Allah grant you the best of this world and the Hereafter, and may He bless your new home with peace, prosperity, and happiness.