Dua for a new apartment

Here are some du'as (prayers) you can recite when moving into a new apartment:

Before moving in:

  1. "Allahumma, I seek Your refuge and protection in this new home. Keep me safe from harm and guide me to righteousness. Amin."
  2. "Rabbi, I entrust this new home to You. Keep it safe and secure, and bless me with peace and tranquility within its walls. Amin."
  3. "Allahumma, I ask You to bless this new home with Your mercy and blessings. Make it a place of comfort, peace, and happiness for me and my family. Amin."

When entering the new apartment:

  1. "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful)
  2. "Allahumma, I enter this new home with faith and trust in You. Keep me on the straight path and guide me to righteousness. Amin."
  3. "Rabbi, I seek Your guidance and protection in this new home. Keep me safe from harm and bless me with peace and happiness. Amin."

For the new apartment:

  1. "Allahumma, bless this new home with Your mercy and blessings. Make it a place of comfort, peace, and happiness for me and my family. Amin."
  2. "Rabbi, I ask You to bless this new home with Your protection and security. Keep it safe from harm and bless me with peace and tranquility within its walls. Amin."
  3. "Allahumma, I entrust this new home to You. Keep it a place of worship, a place of peace, and a place of happiness for me and my family. Amin."

For the future:

  1. "Allahumma, I ask You to guide me in this new home and to keep me on the straight path. Bless me with peace, happiness, and prosperity. Amin."
  2. "Rabbi, I seek Your guidance and protection in this new home. Keep me safe from harm and bless me with peace and happiness. Amin."
  3. "Allahumma, I ask You to bless this new home with Your mercy and blessings. Make it a place of comfort, peace, and happiness for me and my family. Amin."

Remember to recite these du'as with sincerity and faith, and to make sure to perform your daily prayers and other religious obligations in your new home. May Allah bless your new apartment and guide you to righteousness and happiness. Amin.