Du'a before entering a new home

What a wonderful habit to cultivate! Here's a beautiful du'a (supplication) you can recite before entering a new home:

In Arabic:

بسم الله والله خير كل شئ بسم الله أهلاً في هذا البيت اللهم بارك لنا في هذا البيت وأمنا من كل شر وأغفر لنا ذنوبنا وأكرمنا في هذا البيت واجعله من أمن الله وأمانه من كل شئ


"In the name of Allah, and Allah is the best of all things. In the name of Allah, we enter this house. O Allah, bless us in this house, and keep us safe from all harm. Forgive us our sins, and honor us in this house. Make this house a sanctuary of peace and security, and a refuge from all evil."


  1. Seeking Allah's blessings: By saying "Barak lana" (bless us), you're seeking Allah's blessings and guidance for your new home.
  2. Protection from harm: "Aman min kull shar" (keep us safe from all harm) is a powerful du'a that seeks protection from harm, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.
  3. Forgiveness: "Aghfir lana dhunubna" (forgive us our sins) is a humble request for forgiveness, acknowledging that we may have made mistakes in the past.
  4. Honoring Allah: "Akrimna fi hadha al-bait" (honor us in this house) is a beautiful way to acknowledge Allah's presence and guidance in your new home.
  5. Seeking peace and security: "Ja'alhu min aman Allah" (make this house a sanctuary of peace and security) is a powerful du'a that seeks peace and security for yourself and your loved ones.

Remember to recite this du'a with sincerity and humility, and may Allah accept your supplication.