Dstance between jersey and new york city
The distance between Jersey (New Jersey) and New York City depends on the specific locations within each state. Here are some approximate distances:
- From the northernmost point of New Jersey (High Point State Park) to Midtown Manhattan, New York City:
- By car: approximately 60 miles (97 km), 1-2 hours depending on traffic
- By public transportation (NJ Transit train and subway): approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes
- From the southernmost point of New Jersey (Cape May) to Lower Manhattan, New York City:
- By car: approximately 120 miles (193 km), 2-3 hours depending on traffic
- By public transportation (NJ Transit train and subway): approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes
- From the geographic center of New Jersey (Somerset County) to Midtown Manhattan, New York City:
- By car: approximately 35 miles (56 km), 45-60 minutes depending on traffic
- By public transportation (NJ Transit train and subway): approximately 45-60 minutes
Keep in mind that these distances and travel times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken and the time of day.