Dss dg news

It seems like you're looking for news related to DSS (Department of Social Services) or DG (Director General). Here are a few recent news articles and updates:

DSS News:

  1. New Funding for Child Welfare Services: The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has announced a new funding opportunity for child welfare services, aimed at supporting states in improving the well-being of children and families. (Source: HHS.gov)
  2. DSS Launches Online Portal for Foster Care Services: The Department of Social Services in California has launched a new online portal for foster care services, allowing foster parents and caregivers to access information and resources more easily. (Source: California.gov)
  3. DSS Partners with Local Organizations to Support Homeless Families: The Department of Social Services in New York has partnered with local organizations to provide support services to homeless families, including housing assistance and job training. (Source: NY.gov)

DG News:

  1. New DG Appointed for Ministry of Social Justice: The Indian government has appointed a new Director General (DG) for the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, tasked with implementing programs to promote social justice and empowerment. (Source: PIB.gov.in)
  2. DG of DSS Wins Award for Public Service: The Director General of the Department of Social Services in Australia has been awarded the Public Service Medal for his outstanding contributions to public service and social welfare. (Source: APS.gov.au)
  3. DG of DGHS Wins Award for Healthcare Leadership: The Director General of the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) in Bangladesh has been awarded the Healthcare Leadership Award for his leadership and commitment to improving healthcare services in the country. (Source: DGHS.gov.bd)

Please note that these are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates related to DSS and DG. If you're looking for more specific information or updates, please let me know and I'll do my best to help!