Dsiec news

You're looking for the latest news on Dice, a popular job search platform for tech and creative professionals!

Here are some recent updates:

Dice Acquires We Work Remotely

In January 2022, Dice announced its acquisition of We Work Remotely, a leading remote job board. This move aims to expand Dice's reach in the remote work market and provide more job opportunities for professionals seeking flexible work arrangements.

New Features and Enhancements

Dice has been rolling out several new features and enhancements to improve the user experience. Some notable updates include:

  1. Enhanced Job Search: Dice has improved its job search functionality, allowing users to filter results by location, job type, and more.
  2. Personalized Job Recommendations: The platform now offers personalized job recommendations based on users' search history and preferences.
  3. Improved Resume Building: Dice has updated its resume building tool, making it easier for users to create a professional-looking resume.

Industry Insights and Research

Dice regularly publishes research reports and industry insights on topics such as:

  1. Tech Salary Trends: Dice's annual salary survey provides insights into the latest salary trends in the tech industry.
  2. Job Market Analysis: The platform's job market analysis reports offer insights into the latest job market trends and hiring patterns.

Community Engagement

Dice is active on social media and regularly engages with its community through:

  1. Twitter Chats: Dice participates in Twitter chats on topics such as tech careers, job search strategies, and industry trends.
  2. Blog Posts: The platform's blog features articles on career development, industry insights, and job search tips.

Stay tuned for more updates from Dice!