Drogba joanna new africa remix

I think you might be referring to the popular song "Drogba (Joanna)" by Akon, which was remixed with an African twist!

"Drogba (Joanna)" is a song by American rapper Akon, featuring Congolese singer Ferre Gola. The song was released in 2015 and became a huge hit in Africa and beyond.

The "New Africa Remix" you're referring to is likely a remix of the original song, featuring additional African artists and producers. The remix was released in 2016 and features a blend of African rhythms, beats, and instrumentation, giving the song a fresh and unique sound.

The song's lyrics are a tribute to Didier Drogba, the Ivorian professional footballer who played for the Ivory Coast national team and Chelsea FC. The song's chorus, sung by Ferre Gola, is a catchy and upbeat celebration of Drogba's skills on the pitch.

Overall, "Drogba (Joanna)" is a fun and energetic song that combines African rhythms with international pop and hip-hop influences.