Driving time from boulder city nevada to new york

A long road trip!

The driving distance from Boulder City, Nevada to New York City is approximately 2,796 miles (4,498 km). The estimated driving time is around 40-45 hours, depending on traffic, road conditions, and the number of stops you make along the way.

Here's a breakdown of the estimated driving time and distance between major cities along the route:

  1. Boulder City, NV to Las Vegas, NV: 20 miles (32 km), 30 minutes
  2. Las Vegas, NV to Albuquerque, NM: 560 miles (901 km), 8 hours
  3. Albuquerque, NM to Amarillo, TX: 360 miles (579 km), 5.5 hours
  4. Amarillo, TX to Oklahoma City, OK: 260 miles (420 km), 4 hours
  5. Oklahoma City, OK to St. Louis, MO: 560 miles (901 km), 8 hours
  6. St. Louis, MO to Pittsburgh, PA: 560 miles (901 km), 8 hours
  7. Pittsburgh, PA to New York City, NY: 340 miles (544 km), 5.5 hours

Keep in mind that these estimates assume you'll be driving on the most direct routes, which are primarily along highways and interstates. You should also factor in time for rest stops, meal breaks, and potential traffic congestion.

It's also important to note that you'll need to consider the time zone changes along the way. You'll lose two hours when you cross from the Mountain Time Zone to the Central Time Zone, and then lose another hour when you enter the Eastern Time Zone.

Before embarking on your trip, make sure to check the road conditions, weather forecasts, and any road closures or construction along your route. It's also a good idea to plan your accommodations and meals in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.