Driving distance from new york to michigan
The driving distance from New York to Michigan depends on the specific starting and ending points. Here are the approximate driving distances and times between some major cities in New York and Michigan:
- New York City, NY to Detroit, MI: 770 miles (1,239 km), 11-12 hours
- New York City, NY to Ann Arbor, MI: 760 miles (1,223 km), 11-12 hours
- New York City, NY to Grand Rapids, MI: 840 miles (1,352 km), 12-13 hours
- Buffalo, NY to Detroit, MI: 560 miles (901 km), 8-9 hours
- Buffalo, NY to Ann Arbor, MI: 550 miles (885 km), 8-9 hours
- Buffalo, NY to Grand Rapids, MI: 630 miles (1,014 km), 9-10 hours
Please note that these distances and times are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route you take and any traffic or road conditions you encounter. It's always a good idea to check for updates before embarking on your trip.
Here are some common routes from New York to Michigan:
- I-90 W: This route takes you from New York City to Buffalo, NY, and then continues west on I-90 to Michigan.
- I-80 W: This route takes you from New York City to Erie, PA, and then continues west on I-80 to Michigan.
- I-76 W: This route takes you from New York City to Cleveland, OH, and then continues west on I-76 to Michigan.
Keep in mind that these routes may have tolls, and you should check for any tolls along the way to plan your trip accordingly.