Driving distance from florida to new jersey
The driving distance from Florida to New Jersey depends on the specific starting and ending points. Here are the approximate driving distances and times from some major cities in Florida to New Jersey:
- From Miami, FL to Newark, NJ: 1,070 miles (1,722 km), approximately 16 hours and 30 minutes
- From Fort Lauderdale, FL to Newark, NJ: 1,040 miles (1,674 km), approximately 15 hours and 30 minutes
- From Tampa, FL to Newark, NJ: 1,140 miles (1,835 km), approximately 17 hours and 30 minutes
- From Orlando, FL to Newark, NJ: 1,070 miles (1,722 km), approximately 16 hours and 30 minutes
- From Jacksonville, FL to Newark, NJ: 1,030 miles (1,658 km), approximately 15 hours and 30 minutes
Please note that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on the specific route taken, traffic conditions, and any stops along the way. It's always a good idea to check for up-to-date traffic information and road closures before embarking on a long road trip.