Drivers protest alleged extortion by park managers in oyo

Here's a summary of the article:

Title: Drivers Protest Alleged Extortion by Park Managers in Oyo

Location: Oyo, Nigeria

Summary: Commercial drivers in Oyo State, Nigeria, have protested against alleged extortion by park managers in the state. The drivers, who operate from various parks in the state, claim that the park managers are demanding bribes from them before allowing them to operate from the parks.

Details: The drivers, who are members of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), say that the park managers are demanding between N500 to N1,000 (approximately $1.30 to $2.60 USD) per day from each driver. They claim that this is an illegal and extortionate demand, and that it is affecting their livelihoods.

Protest: The drivers, who were joined by some members of the NURTW, staged a protest in front of the Oyo State Government House, demanding that the government intervenes to stop the alleged extortion. They also called on the government to investigate the matter and take appropriate action against the park managers involved.

Government Response: The Oyo State Government has promised to investigate the allegations and take necessary action to address the issue. The government has also urged the drivers to remain calm and continue to operate from the parks while the investigation is ongoing.

Impact: The protest has disrupted transportation services in the state, with many drivers refusing to operate from the parks until the issue is resolved. The protest has also affected the movement of goods and services in the state, causing inconvenience to commuters and businesses.

Conclusion: The protest by the drivers highlights the need for the government to address the issue of extortion by park managers in the state. The government must take swift action to investigate the allegations and take necessary measures to prevent such incidents in the future.