Drive time from philadelphia havertown from new york

A common commute!

The drive time from Havertown, PA (just outside of Philadelphia) to New York City depends on several factors, including traffic, time of day, and route taken. Here are some estimated drive times and distances:

Distance: approximately 95 miles (153 km)

Drive Time:


  1. I-76 E and I-95 N: This is the most common route, taking you from Havertown to the New Jersey Turnpike (I-95 N) and then into New York City. This route is around 95 miles and takes around 1 hour 30 minutes to 1 hour 45 minutes without traffic.
  2. US-30 E and I-95 N: This route takes you from Havertown to the Pennsylvania Turnpike (US-30 E) and then connects to I-95 N. This route is slightly longer (around 100 miles) and may take around 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours without traffic.


Remember to check for any road closures or construction before embarking on your journey. Safe travels!