Drive time from new york to greensboro nc

The driving distance from New York City to Greensboro, NC is approximately 740 miles (1,190 km). The estimated drive time is around 11-12 hours, depending on traffic and the route you take.

Here are the estimated drive times and distances from different parts of New York City to Greensboro, NC:

The most common route from New York City to Greensboro, NC is via I-78 W and I-81 S. This route takes you through the Hudson River Valley, the Pocono Mountains, and the Appalachian Mountains before reaching the Piedmont region of North Carolina.

Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting location, traffic conditions, and the time of day you travel. It's always a good idea to check for traffic updates and road closures before embarking on your journey.