Dremo new songs and videos

Dremo is a talented Nigerian rapper and songwriter, and I'd be happy to provide you with an update on his latest songs and videos!

Latest Songs:

  1. "Mabel" (2022) - A high-energy track with a catchy hook and impressive lyrical delivery.
  2. "Kpa" (2022) - A melodic song with a blend of Afrobeats and hip-hop, featuring a catchy chorus and Dremo's signature flow.
  3. "Ransom" (2021) - A hard-hitting track with a strong message, showcasing Dremo's storytelling ability and lyrical prowess.

Latest Videos:

  1. "Mabel" (2022) - The official music video for the song, featuring Dremo and a cast of dancers, showcasing his energetic performance and choreography.
  2. "Kpa" (2022) - The music video for the song, featuring Dremo and a group of friends having fun and enjoying life, with a vibrant and colorful aesthetic.

Other notable songs and videos:

  1. "Codine" (2020) - A popular song featuring Dremo's signature flow and a catchy hook.
  2. "Gobbe" (2020) - A high-energy track with a strong beat and impressive lyrical delivery.
  3. "Who" (2019) - A melodic song with a blend of Afrobeats and hip-hop, featuring a catchy chorus and Dremo's signature flow.

Please note that the availability of these songs and videos may vary depending on your location and streaming platforms.