Dremo new music videos

Dremo is a talented Nigerian rapper and songwriter, and I'd be happy to help you with his new music videos!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Dremo has released several new music videos in recent times. Here are a few of them:

  1. "Kpa" (feat. Zlatan Ibile) - Released in 2022, this video showcases Dremo's energetic performance and Zlatan's signature dance moves.
  2. "Ransom" - This video, released in 2021, features Dremo's lyrical prowess and a catchy hook.
  3. "Eclipsed" (feat. Simi) - This romantic video, released in 2021, highlights Dremo's storytelling ability and Simi's soulful vocals.
  4. "Mabel" - Released in 2020, this video showcases Dremo's versatility and features a blend of Afrobeats and hip-hop.

Please note that music videos are constantly being updated, and new ones might have been released since my knowledge cutoff. I recommend checking out Dremo's official YouTube channel or social media handles for the latest updates!

Would you like to know more about Dremo's music or his discography?