Dreadu boys new wave mp3

The iconic Depeche Mode!

Here are some of their most popular New Wave tracks in MP3 format:

  1. "Just Can't Get Enough" (1981) - A classic synth-heavy single from their debut album "Speak & Spell".
  2. "Everything Counts" (1983) - A socially conscious track from their album "Construction Time Again".
  3. "Personal Jesus" (1989) - A hauntingly beautiful single from their album "Violator".
  4. "Enjoy the Silence" (1990) - A fan favorite from their album "Violator".
  5. "Policy of Truth" (1990) - Another standout track from "Violator".
  6. "Strangelove" (1987) - A catchy, upbeat single from their album "Music for the Masses".
  7. "Master and Servant" (1984) - A dark, brooding track from their album "Some Great Reward".
  8. "Blasphemous Rumours" (1984) - A haunting single from "Some Great Reward".
  9. "It's No Good" (1997) - A more experimental track from their album "Ultra".
  10. "Dreaming of Me" (1981) - An early single from "Speak & Spell".

Please note that these links are subject to change, and you may need to create an account or log in to access the MP3s. Additionally, be sure to respect the artists' intellectual property and only download tracks for personal use.