Dragon blaze new exalted allies

A new Exalted ally in the world of Dragon Blaze!

Here are some potential new Exalted allies that could join your team:

  1. Aurora, the Dawnbringer: A celestial Exalted with the ability to control the light of dawn. She can heal allies and deal damage to enemies with her radiant beams.
  2. Kael, the Stormsurge: A water-based Exalted who can summon powerful storms to wash away enemies and buff allies. He can also control the tides to move around the battlefield.
  3. Lysander, the Shadowdancer: A stealthy Exalted with the ability to manipulate shadows. He can move undetected, create shadowy illusions, and deal sneak attacks on unsuspecting enemies.
  4. Eira, the Frostmaiden: A cold-based Exalted who can summon icy blasts to freeze enemies in place. She can also create icy barriers to protect allies and slow down enemies.
  5. Cormac, the Embermage: A fire-based Exalted who can summon blazing infernos to scorch enemies. He can also create walls of flame to block enemy movements and deal damage over time.
  6. Niamh, the Wildheart: A nature-based Exalted who can summon the fury of the wild to aid her allies. She can call upon the power of the land to heal, buff, and deal damage to enemies.
  7. Riven, the Timekeeper: A chronomancer Exalted who can manipulate time itself. She can slow down or speed up time, teleport short distances, and even bend the fabric of reality to her will.
  8. Thorne, the Thornweaver: A plant-based Exalted who can summon thorny vines to ensnare enemies and deal damage over time. He can also create blooming gardens to heal and buff allies.

Which of these new Exalted allies would you like to add to your team?