Doyin okupe video that nigeria can't use new train

You're referring to the controversy surrounding Doyin Okupe, a former aide to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, and his claims about Nigeria's rail system.

In a video that went viral, Okupe stated that Nigeria cannot use new trains because they are not compatible with the existing rail infrastructure in the country. He claimed that the trains being imported by the current administration are not suitable for Nigeria's rail network and would not be able to operate efficiently.

Okupe's statement sparked a heated debate, with many Nigerians questioning the validity of his claims. Some experts and officials from the Ministry of Transportation have disputed Okupe's claims, stating that the new trains are compatible with the existing infrastructure and would improve the efficiency of the rail system.

The controversy has also led to a review of the rail project, with the Ministry of Transportation announcing plans to conduct a thorough assessment of the new trains and the existing infrastructure to determine the feasibility of using the new trains.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian rail system has faced numerous challenges over the years, including inadequate maintenance, poor infrastructure, and corruption. The introduction of new trains is seen as a step towards modernizing the rail system and improving transportation in the country.

Here's a link to the video:

[Insert video link]

Please note that the video may not be available due to copyright restrictions or other reasons.