Downloaded bbm on new phone but chat history not back


When you download BBM on a new phone, your chat history is not automatically restored. This is because BBM stores your chat history on your device, and when you switch phones or reinstall the app, the chat history is not transferred.

However, there are a few possible ways to recover your chat history:

  1. Backup and Restore: If you had previously backed up your BBM data using the BBM Backup feature, you can restore the backup on your new phone. To do this:
    • Open BBM on your new phone and go to Settings > Backup & Restore.
    • Tap "Restore Backup" and select the backup file from your previous phone.
    • Follow the prompts to restore your chat history.
  2. Cloud Backup: If you had enabled cloud backup for BBM on your previous phone, you may be able to recover your chat history from the cloud. To do this:
    • Open BBM on your new phone and go to Settings > Backup & Restore.
    • Tap "Restore from Cloud" and sign in with your BlackBerry ID.
    • If you had enabled cloud backup, you should see an option to restore your chat history.
  3. Manual Backup: If you didn't have a backup or cloud backup, you can try manually backing up your BBM data using a third-party app or service. There are several apps available that can help you backup and restore your BBM chat history.

Unfortunately, if you don't have a backup or cloud backup, you may not be able to recover your chat history. However, you can try reaching out to BlackBerry support or the BBM community for further assistance.

Remember to always backup your data regularly to prevent losing important information in the future!