Download yoast news seo free

Yoast News SEO is a free plugin that helps you optimize your news articles for search engines. Here's how you can download it:

Method 1: Download from

  1. Go to the WordPress Plugin Directory:
  2. Click the "Download" button.
  3. Choose the "Download" option to download the plugin.
  4. Once downloaded, go to your WordPress dashboard and click on "Plugins" > "Add New".
  5. Click "Upload Plugin" and select the downloaded file.
  6. Click "Install Now" and then "Activate" to activate the plugin.

Method 2: Download from Yoast's Website

  1. Go to Yoast's website:
  2. Click the "Get Started" button.
  3. Fill out the form to get the plugin.
  4. You will receive an email with a download link.
  5. Download the plugin and follow the same installation process as above.

Note: Yoast News SEO is a free plugin, but it's only compatible with WordPress 5.0 or higher. If you're using an earlier version of WordPress, you may need to update your WordPress installation before installing the plugin.

After installing the plugin, you can configure it by going to "SEO" > "News SEO" in your WordPress dashboard. The plugin will help you optimize your news articles for search engines by providing suggestions for meta titles, descriptions, and keywords.