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Here are the latest news from around the world:

Top Stories

  1. COVID-19: Global Cases Surpass 200 Million: The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide has surpassed 200 million, with over 4.3 million deaths. (Source: WHO)
  2. US-China Trade Talks Resume: The United States and China have resumed trade talks in Beijing, with both sides seeking to resolve their differences and avoid a new round of tariffs. (Source: Bloomberg)
  3. UK-EU Trade Talks Hit Snag: The UK and EU have hit a snag in their trade talks, with the UK seeking to diverge from EU rules and the EU pushing for a closer relationship. (Source: BBC)
  4. Iran Nuclear Deal: US and EU Seek to Revive Agreement: The US and EU are seeking to revive the Iran nuclear deal, which was abandoned by the US in 2018. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  5. Hong Kong Protests: Police Crack Down on Demonstrators: Hong Kong police have cracked down on pro-democracy demonstrators, using tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds. (Source: CNN)

Regional News

  1. Middle East: Iran and Israel Engage in Airstrikes: Iran and Israel have engaged in a series of airstrikes, with Iran launching missiles at Israeli military bases and Israel responding with airstrikes on Iranian targets. (Source: The New York Times)
  2. Africa: South Africa's Economy Contracts: South Africa's economy has contracted by 3.2% in the second quarter, the largest decline since the 2009 global financial crisis. (Source: Bloomberg)
  3. Asia: Japan and South Korea Agree to Trade Deal: Japan and South Korea have agreed to a trade deal, ending a year-long dispute over trade and technology. (Source: Reuters)
  4. Europe: Germany's Economy Contracts: Germany's economy has contracted by 0.1% in the second quarter, the first decline since 2018. (Source: Deutsche Welle)
  5. Latin America: Brazil's Economy Grows: Brazil's economy has grown by 1.3% in the second quarter, driven by a recovery in consumer spending and investment. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)

Business News

  1. Tech: Apple and Google Announce New Products: Apple and Google have announced new products, including Apple's new iPhone 13 and Google's new Pixel 5 smartphone. (Source: CNET)
  2. Finance: US Stock Market Hits Record High: The US stock market has hit a record high, driven by strong earnings and economic growth. (Source: CNBC)
  3. Energy: Oil Prices Rise: Oil prices have risen by 1% after a surprise decline in US crude oil inventories. (Source: Bloomberg)
  4. Automotive: Tesla and Volkswagen Announce Partnership: Tesla and Volkswagen have announced a partnership to develop electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology. (Source: The Verge)
  5. Real Estate: US Housing Market Shows Signs of Recovery: The US housing market has shown signs of recovery, with home prices rising and sales increasing. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)

Sports News

  1. Soccer: UEFA Champions League Final: The UEFA Champions League final will be played between Manchester City and Chelsea on August 29. (Source: ESPN)
  2. Tennis: US Open Begins: The US Open tennis tournament has begun, with top players including Novak Djokovic and Serena Williams competing. (Source: The New York Times)
  3. Cricket: India and Australia Play Test Match: India and Australia have played a test match, with India winning by 8 wickets. (Source: ESPN Cricinfo)
  4. Basketball: NBA Playoffs: The NBA playoffs have begun, with top teams including the Los Angeles Lakers and the Milwaukee Bucks competing. (Source: ESPN)
  5. Golf: PGA Championship: The PGA Championship has been won by Collin Morikawa, who defeated Dustin Johnson in a playoff. (Source: The New York Times)

Entertainment News

  1. Movies: New Releases: New movies including "The New Mutants" and "The One and Only Ivan" have been released in theaters. (Source: Variety)
  2. Music: New Releases: New music releases include albums by Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish. (Source: Billboard)
  3. TV: New Shows: New TV shows including "The Mandalorian" and "The Crown" have been released on streaming platforms. (Source: The Hollywood Reporter)
  4. Celebrity News: Celebrities including Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez have announced their engagement. (Source: People)
  5. Fashion News: Fashion brands including Gucci and Chanel have announced new collections. (Source: Vogue)