Download vanguard news

Vanguard News is a Nigerian online news platform that provides up-to-date news and information on various topics, including politics, business, sports, and entertainment. Here are a few ways you can download Vanguard News:

Method 1: Download the Vanguard News App

  1. Go to the Google Play Store (for Android devices) or Apple App Store (for iOS devices).
  2. Search for "Vanguard News" and select the app from the search results.
  3. Click the "Install" or "Get" button to download and install the app.
  4. Once installed, open the app and start reading the latest news.

Method 2: Download Vanguard News PDF

  1. Go to the Vanguard News website (
  2. Click on the "PDF" button at the top right corner of the website.
  3. Select the date range you want to download (e.g., today, yesterday, or a specific date range).
  4. Click the "Download" button to download the PDF file.
  5. Open the PDF file using a PDF reader app on your device.

Method 3: Subscribe to Vanguard News via Email

  1. Go to the Vanguard News website (
  2. Click on the "Subscribe" button at the top right corner of the website.
  3. Enter your email address and other required information.
  4. Click the "Subscribe" button to receive daily or weekly newsletters from Vanguard News.

Please note that downloading news articles or PDF files may require a stable internet connection and sufficient storage space on your device. Additionally, some news articles may be available only to subscribers or require a one-time payment for access.