Download uptimus prime new divide linkin park video

You're looking to download the music video for "New Divide" by Linkin Park, featuring Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen's Optimus Prime!

Here are a few options to download the video:

Option 1: YouTube

  1. Go to YouTube and search for "Linkin Park - New Divide (Official Music Video)".
  2. Click on the video and click the "Download" button below the video player.
  3. Choose the desired quality and format (e.g., MP4, 1080p, 720p, etc.).
  4. Click "Download" to save the video to your device.

Option 2: Vimeo

  1. Go to Vimeo and search for "Linkin Park - New Divide (Official Music Video)".
  2. Click on the video and click the "Download" button below the video player.
  3. Choose the desired quality and format (e.g., MP4, 1080p, 720p, etc.).
  4. Click "Download" to save the video to your device.

Option 3: Online Video Downloaders

  1. Use an online video downloader like 4K Video Downloader, Freemake Video Downloader, or ClipConverter.
  2. Copy the video URL from YouTube or Vimeo.
  3. Paste the URL into the downloader's search bar.
  4. Choose the desired quality and format.
  5. Click "Download" to save the video to your device.

Option 4: Purchase the Video

  1. You can purchase the music video from online stores like iTunes, Google Play Music, or Amazon Music.
  2. Once purchased, you'll be able to download the video to your device.

Remember to always download videos from reputable sources and ensure you have the necessary permissions to download copyrighted content.