Download tope alabi nigbati mo ro o mp3video lyrics

Here are the details you requested:

Song: Nigbati Mo Ro O Artist: Tope Alabi Genre: Gospel Music Language: Yoruba (Nigerian language)

MP3 Download:

You can download the MP3 file of "Nigbati Mo Ro O" by Tope Alabi from various online platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. Audiomack: You can download the song from Audiomack, a popular music streaming platform. Click here to download
  2. Zippyshare: You can also download the song from Zippyshare, a file-sharing platform. Click here to download
  3. Datafilehost: Another option is to download the song from Datafilehost, a file-sharing platform. Click here to download

Video Lyrics:

Here are the lyrics to the song "Nigbati Mo Ro O" by Tope Alabi:

Verse 1: Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o

Chorus: Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o

Verse 2: Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o

Chorus: Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o Olorun ti mo ro o, omo ti mo ro o Nigbati mo ro o, nigbati mo ro o

Translation: When I call, when I call God answers, God answers When I call, when I call God answers, God answers

Please note that the lyrics may vary slightly depending on the version or translation of the song.