Download the new lion king

You're excited to get your paws on the new Lion King movie!

There are a few ways to download the new Lion King movie, depending on your location and preferred method. Here are a few options:

Digital Purchase:

  1. iTunes: You can purchase the movie from iTunes and download it to your Apple device. Simply search for "The Lion King" on iTunes, select the movie, and click "Buy" to download it.
  2. Google Play Movies & TV: You can also purchase the movie from Google Play and download it to your Android device. Search for "The Lion King" on Google Play, select the movie, and click "Buy" to download it.
  3. Amazon Prime Video: If you have an Amazon Prime membership, you can purchase the movie from Amazon Prime Video and download it to your device.

Streaming Services:

  1. Disney+: If you have a Disney+ subscription, you can stream the movie directly from the service. Disney+ offers a free trial, and then it's $6.99/month or $69.99/year.
  2. Netflix DVD: If you have a Netflix DVD subscription, you can rent the movie on DVD and have it shipped to your doorstep.

Note: Availability and pricing may vary depending on your location and the streaming services available in your area.

Remember to always download or stream movies from authorized sources to ensure you're getting a high-quality copy and supporting the creators.

Hope this helps, and enjoy the movie!