Download song esther oji mighty chorus ogo mp3 lyrics

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Song Information:

Download Options:

You can download the song "Mighty Chorus Ogo" by Esther Oji in MP3 format from various online platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. YouTube: You can search for the song on YouTube and download it using a video downloader extension or software. Here's the link: Esther Oji - Mighty Chorus Ogo
  2. Music Streaming Platforms: You can also find the song on music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. You can download the song as an MP3 file from these platforms.
  3. Music Download Websites: There are several websites that offer free and paid music downloads. You can search for the song on these websites and download it in MP3 format.


Here are the lyrics to "Mighty Chorus Ogo" by Esther Oji:

[Verse 1] In the mighty chorus, I hear Your voice Calling me to worship, with a holy choice I'll lift my hands and praise Your name In the mighty chorus, I'll proclaim Your fame

[Chorus] Ogo, Ogo, mighty chorus, I'll sing Your praise Ogo, Ogo, mighty chorus, with a holy heart I'll praise In the mighty chorus, I'll find my strength In the mighty chorus, I'll sing my song

[Verse 2] In the mighty chorus, I'll find my peace A refuge from the storm, a shelter from the heat I'll lift my voice and sing Your song In the mighty chorus, I'll belong

[Chorus] Ogo, Ogo, mighty chorus, I'll sing Your praise Ogo, Ogo, mighty chorus, with a holy heart I'll praise In the mighty chorus, I'll find my strength In the mighty chorus, I'll sing my song

Note: Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions and rights to download and use the song. Additionally, be cautious when downloading music from the internet to avoid any potential copyright issues.