Download some street in new york

I'd be happy to help you with that! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to directly download files or provide copyrighted content. But I can suggest some ways for you to get the street images you're looking for:

  1. Google Street View: You can use Google Street View to explore and download street images from New York City. Simply go to Google Maps, search for the street you're interested in, and click on the "Street View" button. You can then use the camera tool to capture a screenshot of the street.
  2. Stock photo websites: Websites like Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay offer high-quality street images from New York City. You can search for specific streets or neighborhoods and download the images for free.
  3. Flickr: Flickr is a popular photo-sharing platform where you can search for street images from New York City. You can use the advanced search feature to filter by location, license, and more.
  4. New York City's official website: The City of New York's official website has a section dedicated to street photography. You can search for specific streets or neighborhoods and download the images for free.

Some popular streets in New York City that you might be interested in:

Remember to always respect copyright laws and usage rights when downloading and using street images.