Download shawn mendes new songs

Shawn Mendes is a popular singer-songwriter known for his romantic and upbeat pop-rock music. Here are the latest songs from Shawn Mendes that you can download:

Latest Singles:

  1. "When You're Gone" (Released: August 2021) - A heartfelt ballad about missing someone who's gone.
  2. "Summer of Love" (Released: June 2021) - An upbeat summer anthem about finding love and happiness.
  3. "In My Blood" (Released: May 2018) - A powerful song about overcoming struggles and finding strength.


  1. "Wonder" (Released: December 2020) - Shawn Mendes' fourth studio album, featuring the singles "Wonder", "Monster", and "Teach Me How to Love".
  2. "In Wonder" (Released: December 2020) - A deluxe edition of "Wonder", featuring additional tracks and remixes.

Where to Download:

You can download Shawn Mendes' songs from various music streaming platforms, including:

  1. iTunes:
  2. Apple Music:
  3. Spotify:
  4. Google Play Music:
  5. Amazon Music:

Note: Make sure to check the availability of the songs in your region and the streaming platforms you use.