Download questionnaire for new tax payers

Here is a sample questionnaire for new taxpayers:

New Taxpayer Questionnaire

Personal Information:

  1. Name: _____
  2. Date of Birth: __
  3. Address: __
  4. Contact Number: _____
  5. Email ID: __

Income Information:

  1. What is your primary source of income? (Select one)
    • Salary
    • Business
    • Rent
    • Interest
    • Other (please specify) ___
  2. What is your annual income? ___
  3. Do you have any other sources of income? Yes/No
    • If yes, please specify: __

Employment Information:

  1. Are you employed? Yes/No
    • If yes, please provide the following information:
      • Employer's name: __
      • Employer's address: __
      • Job title: __
      • Gross income: __
  2. Are you self-employed? Yes/No
    • If yes, please provide the following information:
      • Business name: ___
      • Business address: __
      • Business type: ___
      • Gross income: __

Tax-Related Information:

  1. Have you filed taxes before? Yes/No
    • If yes, please provide your previous tax ID number: ___
  2. Do you have any outstanding tax liabilities? Yes/No
    • If yes, please provide the amount: ___
  3. Do you have any tax credits or deductions? Yes/No
    • If yes, please specify: ___

Other Information:

  1. Do you have any dependents? Yes/No
    • If yes, please provide the following information:
      • Name: ___
      • Relationship: ___
      • Age: __
  2. Do you have any other financial information that may be relevant to your tax return? Yes/No
    • If yes, please specify: ___


I hereby declare that the information provided in this questionnaire is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that providing false or misleading information may result in penalties and fines.

Signature: Date:

Please note that this is just a sample questionnaire and the actual questionnaire may vary depending on the tax authority and the specific requirements.