Download out of my mind new american song

I think you might be referring to the song "Out of My Mind (You Know What I'm Thinking)" by the American rock band Blink-182!

If you'd like to download the song, you can find it on various music streaming platforms such as:

  1. Spotify: You can search for the song on Spotify and download it to your library.
  2. Apple Music: You can search for the song on Apple Music and download it to your library.
  3. Google Play Music: You can search for the song on Google Play Music and download it to your library.
  4. Amazon Music: You can search for the song on Amazon Music and download it to your library.

If you'd like to purchase the song, you can find it on various online music stores such as:

  1. iTunes: You can search for the song on iTunes and purchase it.
  2. Google Play Music Store: You can search for the song on the Google Play Music Store and purchase it.
  3. Amazon Music Store: You can search for the song on the Amazon Music Store and purchase it.

Please note that availability and pricing may vary depending on your location and the platform you're using.