Download of good news bible

There are several ways to download a Good News Bible (GNB) translation of the Bible. Here are a few options:

  1. YouVersion: You can download the Good News Bible (GNB) translation from YouVersion, a popular Bible app. You can access the app on your mobile device or computer by visiting
  2. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway is another popular online Bible platform that offers the Good News Bible (GNB) translation. You can download the Bible in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI, by visiting
  3. Gutenberg Project: The Gutenberg Project is a digital library that offers free e-books, including the Good News Bible (GNB) translation. You can download the Bible in various formats, including EPUB, Kindle, and HTML, by visiting
  4. Amazon Kindle: You can also download the Good News Bible (GNB) translation from Amazon Kindle. Simply search for "Good News Bible" on Amazon and select the Kindle edition.
  5. PDF download: You can also download the Good News Bible (GNB) translation in PDF format from various websites, such as or

Please note that some of these options may require you to create an account or agree to terms and conditions before downloading the Bible.

Here are some specific links to download the Good News Bible (GNB) translation:

Remember to always verify the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible translation before downloading or using it.