Download nigeria film new money

You're looking to download the Nigerian film "New Money"!

"New Money" is a 2018 Nigerian comedy-drama film directed by Tope Oshin. The movie follows the story of a young woman, Nimi, who becomes embroiled in a web of deceit and corruption after she inherits a large sum of money from a distant relative.

Here are a few ways you can download "New Money" in Nigeria:

  1. iRokoTV: iRokoTV is a popular online platform that offers a wide range of Nigerian movies, including "New Money". You can download the movie from their website or mobile app.
  2. Netflix: "New Money" is available on Netflix in Nigeria. You can download the movie from the Netflix app on your mobile device or smart TV.
  3. YouTube: You can also download "New Money" from YouTube by searching for the movie title and selecting the "Download" option.
  4. Nollywood Movies: Nollywood Movies is a popular online platform that offers a wide range of Nigerian movies, including "New Money". You can download the movie from their website or mobile app.
  5. Google Play Movies: You can also download "New Money" from Google Play Movies on your Android device.

Please note that some of these options may require a subscription or a one-time payment. Additionally, be sure to check the availability of the movie in your region before downloading.

Enjoy watching "New Money"!