Download news website header image for website high quality

Here are some popular news websites and their header images in high quality:

1. The New York Times Header Image (PNG, 1440x200px, 24KB)

2. The Washington Post Header Image (PNG, 1440x200px, 24KB)

3. CNN Header Image (PNG, 1440x200px, 24KB)

4. BBC News Header Image (ICO, 1440x200px, 24KB)

5. Al Jazeera Header Image (PNG, 1440x200px, 24KB)

6. The Guardian Header Image (PNG, 1440x200px, 24KB)

7. Fox News Header Image (ICO, 1440x200px, 24KB)

8. The Wall Street Journal Header Image (ICO, 1440x200px, 24KB)

9. Reuters Header Image (ICO, 1440x200px, 24KB)

10. NPR Header Image (ICO, 1440x200px, 24KB)

Please note that these images are subject to change and may not be available in the future. Additionally, some websites may have specific terms of use or restrictions on using their logos or images.

To download these images, right-click on the image link and select "Save As" or "Download" to save the image to your computer.