Download news app for mobile

Here are some popular news apps for mobile devices:

For Android:

  1. Google News: A personalized news aggregator that collects news articles from various sources.
  2. Flipboard: A visually appealing app that allows you to customize your news feed with topics and sources you're interested in.
  3. The New York Times: The official app of the New York Times, offering in-depth news coverage and analysis.
  4. BBC News: The official app of the British Broadcasting Corporation, providing news from around the world.
  5. Al Jazeera: A news app from the Qatari-based media organization, offering news coverage from the Middle East and beyond.
  6. AP News: The official app of the Associated Press, providing news coverage from around the world.
  7. News360: A personalized news app that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed.
  8. Inshorts: A popular Indian news app that provides short, bite-sized news articles.

For iOS:

  1. Apple News: A built-in news app for iOS devices, offering a personalized news feed and articles from various sources.
  2. The New York Times: The official app of the New York Times, offering in-depth news coverage and analysis.
  3. BBC News: The official app of the British Broadcasting Corporation, providing news from around the world.
  4. Al Jazeera: A news app from the Qatari-based media organization, offering news coverage from the Middle East and beyond.
  5. AP News: The official app of the Associated Press, providing news coverage from around the world.
  6. News360: A personalized news app that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed.
  7. The Guardian: The official app of the British newspaper, offering news coverage and analysis.
  8. Reuters: The official app of the Reuters news agency, providing news coverage from around the world.

Other popular news apps:

  1. News Break: A news app that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed.
  2. Newsify: A news app that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed.
  3. Tinypass: A news app that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed.
  4. News Republic: A news app that aggregates news articles from various sources and allows you to customize your feed.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many other news apps available for mobile devices. You can search for these apps on your device's app store (e.g., Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS) to download and install them.