Download new wine bethel

You're looking to download the song "New Wine" by Bethel Music!

Here are a few options to get the song:


  1. Spotify: You can search for "New Wine" by Bethel Music on Spotify and stream it for free with occasional ads or upgrade to a premium account for ad-free listening.
  2. Apple Music: You can search for "New Wine" by Bethel Music on Apple Music and stream it with a subscription.
  3. YouTube Music: You can search for "New Wine" by Bethel Music on YouTube Music and stream it for free with ads or upgrade to a premium account for ad-free listening.


  1. iTunes: You can purchase and download "New Wine" by Bethel Music from the iTunes Store.
  2. Google Play Music: You can purchase and download "New Wine" by Bethel Music from the Google Play Music Store.
  3. Amazon Music: You can purchase and download "New Wine" by Bethel Music from Amazon Music.

Chord Sheet and Lyrics:

If you're a musician or want to learn the song, you can find the chord sheet and lyrics on various websites, such as:

  1. Bethel Music Website: You can find the chord sheet and lyrics on Bethel Music's official website.
  2. Worship Together: You can find the chord sheet and lyrics on Worship Together's website.
  3. SongSelect: You can find the chord sheet and lyrics on SongSelect's website.

Remember to always respect the copyright and licensing agreements when downloading or streaming music.