Download new version of 2go 6.1

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that 2go is a messaging app that was popular in the past, but it's no longer actively developed or supported by its creators.

That being said, I can provide you with some information on how to download older versions of 2go, but please note that these versions may not be compatible with modern devices or operating systems.

Here are a few options to download older versions of 2go:

  1. 2go Official Website: You can try visiting the official 2go website ( and look for the "Download" section. They may have older versions of the app available for download.
  2. Old Version Download Sites: Websites like,, or may have older versions of 2go available for download. Be cautious when downloading from these sites, as they may not be official or secure.
  3. Mobile App Stores: You can try searching for "2go" in your device's app store (e.g., Google Play Store or Apple App Store) and look for older versions of the app. Keep in mind that these versions may not be compatible with your device or operating system.

Please note that downloading older versions of 2go may pose security risks, as they may not receive updates or patches to fix vulnerabilities. Additionally, these versions may not work properly on modern devices or operating systems.

If you're looking for alternative messaging apps, I can recommend some popular options like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or Signal. Let me know if you need help with that!