Download new songs ny spice girls

I'm happy to help! However, I have to break the news to you that the Spice Girls disbanded in 2000 and have not released any new music together since then. The group consisted of Melanie Brown ("Mel B"), Melanie Chisholm ("Mel C"), Emma Bunton ("Baby Spice"), Geri Halliwell ("Ginger Spice"), and Victoria Beckham ("Posh Spice").

Although there have been various reunions and one-off performances over the years, the group has not released any new music or announced any plans to do so.

That being said, you can still enjoy their classic hits and iconic songs like "Wannabe," "Say You'll Be There," "Spice Up Your Life," and many more! You can find their music on various streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music.

If you're looking for new music from individual members of the Spice Girls, you can check out their solo projects. For example, Mel B has released solo albums, and Mel C has also released solo music. Emma Bunton has presented a radio show and released solo music, while Geri Halliwell has released solo albums and singles. Victoria Beckham has not pursued a music career, focusing instead on her fashion label.

I hope this information helps, and I'm happy to answer any more questions you may have!