Download new songs by todd dunaley

Todd Dunford, not Todd Dunaley, is a British actor and singer, best known for his role as Nathan Archer in the Channel 4 soap opera "Hollyoaks". He has released several singles and EPs, but I couldn't find any recent or new songs by him.

However, I can suggest some ways for you to download or stream his music:

  1. iTunes: You can search for Todd Dunford on iTunes and download his available songs and EPs.
  2. Amazon Music: You can find Todd Dunford's music on Amazon Music, including his singles and EPs.
  3. Spotify: You can search for Todd Dunford on Spotify and stream his music.
  4. Google Play Music: You can find Todd Dunford's music on Google Play Music and download or stream his songs.
  5. YouTube Music: You can search for Todd Dunford on YouTube Music and stream his music.

Please note that Todd Dunford's music may not be widely available or up-to-date, as he is primarily an actor and not a full-time musician.