Download new rules by dua lipa mp4

I'd be happy to help you with that!

"New Rules" by Dua Lipa is a popular song, and I can provide you with a few options to download the official music video in MP4 format:

Option 1: Official YouTube Video

You can download the official music video from YouTube using a video downloader software or website. Here's how:

  1. Go to YouTube and search for "New Rules" by Dua Lipa.
  2. Click on the video and copy the URL.
  3. Use a video downloader software like 4K Video Downloader, Freemake Video Downloader, or Online Video Converter to download the video in MP4 format.

Option 2: Official Music Video Website

You can also download the official music video from Dua Lipa's official website or music streaming platforms like Vevo or MTV. Here's how:

  1. Go to Dua Lipa's official website and navigate to the "Music" section.
  2. Click on the "New Rules" music video and select the "Download" option.
  3. Choose the MP4 format and click on the "Download" button.

Option 3: Music Streaming Platforms

You can also download the music video from music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Amazon Music. Here's how:

  1. Go to the music streaming platform and search for "New Rules" by Dua Lipa.
  2. Click on the music video and select the "Download" option.
  3. Choose the MP4 format and click on the "Download" button.

Remember to always download from official sources to ensure the quality and safety of the video.