Download new edition candy girl free mp3 download

A blast from the past!

You can download "Candy Girl" by New Edition for free in MP3 format from various online sources. Here are a few options:

  1. YouTube: You can find the official audio of "Candy Girl" on YouTube and download it as an MP3 file. Simply search for "New Edition Candy Girl" on YouTube, click on the audio track, and then click on the three dots next to the "Share" button. Select "Download" and choose the MP3 format.
  2. MP3Juices: MP3Juices is a popular online platform that allows you to search and download MP3 files for free. Simply search for "New Edition Candy Girl" on the website, select the desired quality, and click on the "Download" button.
  3. ZippyShare: ZippyShare is another online platform that offers free MP3 downloads. Search for "New Edition Candy Girl" on the website, select the desired quality, and click on the "Download" button.
  4. SoundCloud: You can also find "Candy Girl" on SoundCloud, a popular music streaming platform. Search for the song, click on the "Download" button, and select the MP3 format.

Please note that while these sources offer free downloads, they may not be officially sanctioned by New Edition or their record label. Always ensure that you're downloading from reputable sources to avoid any potential copyright issues.

Enjoy your free download of "Candy Girl" by New Edition!