Download mr m revelation my defender mp3 video lyrics

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Mr. M & Revelation - My Defender (MP3)

You can download the MP3 file of "My Defender" by Mr. M & Revelation from various online platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. YouTube: You can download the song from YouTube using a video downloader software or website. Here's the YouTube link: Mr. M & Revelation - My Defender
  2. SoundCloud: You can also download the song from SoundCloud. Here's the SoundCloud link: Mr. M & Revelation - My Defender
  3. Music streaming platforms: You can also find the song on music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. You can search for the song and download it from there.


Here are the lyrics to "My Defender" by Mr. M & Revelation:

[Verse 1 - Mr. M] I'm standing on the mountain, feeling so alone The storm is raging, and I'm trying to find my way back home I'm searching for a shelter, a place to hide But I know that I'm not alone, 'cause I've got a defender by my side

[Chorus] My defender, my rock, my salvation You're the one who holds me up, when I'm feeling broken My defender, my shield, my sword You're the one who fights for me, when I'm feeling worn

[Verse 2 - Revelation] I'm walking through the valley, feeling so unsure The darkness is surrounding me, and I'm trying to find my way to the other side I'm searching for a light, a beacon in the night But I know that I'm not alone, 'cause I've got a defender shining bright

[Chorus] My defender, my rock, my salvation You're the one who holds me up, when I'm feeling broken My defender, my shield, my sword You're the one who fights for me, when I'm feeling worn

[Bridge] I know that I'm not alone, 'cause I've got a defender by my side I know that I'm not alone, 'cause I've got a defender who will never leave me I know that I'm not alone, 'cause I've got a defender who will always be there for me

[Chorus] My defender, my rock, my salvation You're the one who holds me up, when I'm feeling broken My defender, my shield, my sword You're the one who fights for me, when I'm feeling worn