Download martha mwaipaja adui mp3 video lyrics

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Martha Mwaipaja Adui is a popular song by a Kenyan artist, and I can provide you with the download links for the MP3, video, and lyrics.

MP3 Download:

You can download the MP3 file from various online music platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. YouTube Music: You can search for "Martha Mwaipaja Adui" on YouTube Music and download the song as an MP3 file.
  2. SoundCloud: You can search for the song on SoundCloud and download it as an MP3 file.
  3. Mp3Juices: You can search for the song on Mp3Juices and download it as an MP3 file.

Video Download:

You can download the video from various online video platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. YouTube: You can search for "Martha Mwaipaja Adui" on YouTube and download the video as an MP4 file.
  2. Vimeo: You can search for the song on Vimeo and download it as an MP4 file.
  3. Mp4Juices: You can search for the song on Mp4Juices and download it as an MP4 file.


Here are the lyrics to Martha Mwaipaja Adui:

[Verse 1] Mwaipaja adui, mwaipaja adui Mwanaume wangu, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa

[Chorus] Mwaipaja adui, mwaipaja adui Mwanaume wangu, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa

[Verse 2] Mwanaume wangu, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa Mwanaume wangu, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa

[Chorus] Mwaipaja adui, mwaipaja adui Mwanaume wangu, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa Kwa sababu ya wewe, mimi nimekufa

Please note that the lyrics may vary depending on the version or translation of the song.