Download latest world news august 02 2019 video

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that downloading a video of the latest world news from August 2, 2019, might not be possible as it's an old news article.

But I can suggest some alternatives to help you stay updated on the latest news:

  1. News websites and apps: You can visit reputable news websites like BBC News, Al Jazeera, CNN, or The New York Times, and search for the latest news articles. You can also download their mobile apps to stay updated on the go.
  2. YouTube news channels: You can subscribe to popular news channels on YouTube, such as BBC News, Al Jazeera English, or CBS News, and watch their latest videos.
  3. Podcasts: You can listen to news podcasts like The Daily (from The New York Times), Pod Save America, or NPR's Up First to stay updated on the latest news.

If you're looking for a specific news article from August 2, 2019, I can try to help you find it. Please provide me with more details, such as the topic or the news outlet that reported it.