Download kiss daniel new era album

Kiss Daniel's new album is titled "No Bad Songz" (N.B.S.), not "New Era". Here's how you can download it:

Option 1: Official Download

You can download the album from Kiss Daniel's official website or from online music stores like iTunes, Apple Music, or Google Play Music.

Option 2: Free Download

You can also download the album from various free music download websites, such as:

Note: Be cautious when downloading from free music websites, as they may contain malware or viruses. Make sure to download from reputable sources and scan your device for viruses after downloading.


  1. "No Do"
  2. "4dayz"
  3. "Ji Masun"
  4. "Raba"
  5. "For You" (feat. Wizkid)
  6. "No Bad Songz"
  7. "Kama"
  8. "Goldd"
  9. "Rara"
  10. "Oluwa Ni"
  11. "Kiss Me Goodbye"
  12. "No Bad Songz (Remix)" (feat. DJ Spinall)

Enjoy your download!