Download kiss daniel new 2019

Kiss Daniel is a Nigerian singer and songwriter, and he has released several songs and albums in 2019. Here are a few of his popular songs from 2019 that you can download:

  1. "4Dayz" - This is a single released in January 2019, and it's a fusion of Afrobeats and R&B.
  2. "No Do" - This is another single released in February 2019, and it's a high-energy Afrobeats track with a catchy chorus.
  3. "Raba" - This is a single released in March 2019, and it's a romantic Afrobeats track with a soothing melody.
  4. "Kilometer" - This is a single released in April 2019, and it's a dancehall-inspired Afrobeats track with a catchy hook.
  5. "Ji Masun" - This is a single released in May 2019, and it's a slow-burning Afrobeats track with a soulful melody.

You can download these songs from various online music platforms such as:

You can also search for Kiss Daniel's official website or social media pages to download his music directly.

Note: Make sure to download from authorized sources to ensure that you're getting high-quality music and supporting the artist.