Download judikay i bow mp3 lyrics video nicegospel

It seems like you're looking for the song "I Bow" by Judikay, a popular Nigerian gospel artist. Here's what I can help you with:

Download Options:

You can download the song "I Bow" by Judikay from various online platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. YouTube: You can download the song from YouTube by using a video downloader extension or software. Simply search for "Judikay - I Bow" on YouTube, copy the video URL, and use a downloader like 4K Video Downloader or Freemake Video Downloader to save the song.
  2. Music Streaming Platforms: You can also download the song from music streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. Simply search for "Judikay - I Bow" on your preferred platform, and you'll be able to stream or download the song.
  3. Music Download Sites: There are several music download sites that offer Judikay's song "I Bow" for download. Some popular options include MP3Juices, ZippyShare, and MusicPleer.


If you're interested in reading the lyrics of "I Bow" by Judikay, I can provide them for you. Here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1] I bow my head, I bow my knees I surrender all, I surrender me To the one who is worthy, to the one who is great I bow my head, I bow my knees

[Chorus] I bow, I bow, I bow my head I bow, I bow, I bow my knees I surrender all, I surrender me To the one who is worthy, to the one who is great

[Verse 2] I lay my hands, I lay my heart I give it all, I give it to the start Of it all, the beginning of it all I lay my hands, I lay my heart

[Chorus] I bow, I bow, I bow my head I bow, I bow, I bow my knees I surrender all, I surrender me To the one who is worthy, to the one who is great

[Bridge] I'll follow you, I'll follow you I'll follow you, I'll follow you I'll follow you, I'll follow you I'll follow you, I'll follow you

[Chorus] I bow, I bow, I bow my head I bow, I bow, I bow my knees I surrender all, I surrender me To the one who is worthy, to the one who is great


If you're interested in watching the official music video for "I Bow" by Judikay, you can find it on YouTube or other music streaming platforms. The video features Judikay singing and dancing to the song, with a mix of gospel and contemporary music elements.