Download how to snap new born baby picture

Congratulations on the arrival of your newborn baby! Capturing those precious moments is a wonderful way to cherish the memories. Here are some tips on how to take great newborn baby pictures:


  1. Timing: Try to take pictures within the first 10-14 days after birth, when the baby is most relaxed and sleepy.
  2. Location: Choose a comfortable and quiet location with good lighting. You can use a studio, a cozy room in your home, or even a outdoor setting with soft, natural light.
  3. Props: Gather some props like blankets, hats, and toys to add some personality to the photos.

Tips for Taking Newborn Baby Pictures

  1. Use natural light: Natural light is the best light for newborn photography. Place the baby near a window or outside during the golden hour (soft, warm light).
  2. Keep it simple: Avoid cluttered backgrounds and focus on the baby's face and body.
  3. Use a camera with good low-light performance: A camera with good low-light performance will help you capture the baby's features even in dimly lit areas.
  4. Experiment with angles: Try different angles, such as from above, from the side, or from a low angle to add some visual interest.
  5. Capture the details: Take close-up shots of the baby's face, hands, and feet to capture the tiny details.
  6. Be patient: Newborn babies can be unpredictable, so be prepared to wait for the perfect shot.
  7. Use a remote shutter release or timer: This will help you avoid camera shake and ensure a sharp image.

Some Popular Newborn Baby Picture Ideas

  1. Sleepy baby: Capture the baby sleeping, with their eyes closed and a peaceful expression.
  2. Baby's first bath: Take pictures of the baby's first bath, with bubbles and toys around them.
  3. Baby's first outfit: Capture the baby wearing their first outfit, with a special hat or blanket.
  4. Baby's tiny hands and feet: Take close-up shots of the baby's tiny hands and feet.
  5. Baby's face: Capture the baby's face, with their eyes open or closed, and a sweet expression.

Free Downloadable Newborn Baby Picture Templates

Here are some free downloadable newborn baby picture templates you can use:

  1. Newborn Baby Picture Template by Canva: A simple and elegant template with a soft, pastel color scheme.
  2. Newborn Baby Photography Template by PicMonkey: A template with a rustic, vintage feel and a variety of design elements.
  3. Newborn Baby Picture Frame by Crello: A template with a modern, minimalist design and a variety of frame styles.

Remember to always prioritize the baby's comfort and safety during the photo shoot. Happy snapping!