Download holy bible both new and old testament

Here are a few ways to download the Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments:

Online Resources:

  1. Bible Gateway: You can download the Bible in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI, from Bible Gateway. They offer multiple translations, including the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), and more.
  2. YouVersion: YouVersion is a popular Bible app that offers a wide range of translations, including the KJV, NIV, and others. You can download the Bible in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI.
  3. Blue Letter Bible: Blue Letter Bible offers a free download of the King James Version (KJV) Bible in PDF format.

Mobile Apps:

  1. YouVersion: As mentioned earlier, YouVersion is a popular Bible app that offers a wide range of translations. You can download the app for free on your mobile device.
  2. Bible Gateway: Bible Gateway also has a mobile app that allows you to access the Bible on-the-go.
  3. ESV Bible: The ESV Bible app offers a free download of the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible.

PDF Downloads:

  1. King James Version (KJV): You can download the KJV Bible in PDF format from various websites, including Bible Gateway and Blue Letter Bible.
  2. New International Version (NIV): You can download the NIV Bible in PDF format from various websites, including Bible Gateway and YouVersion.
  3. American Standard Version (ASV): You can download the ASV Bible in PDF format from various websites, including Bible Gateway and Blue Letter Bible.

Other Options:

  1. Google Play Books: You can purchase and download the Bible in various formats, including EPUB and PDF, from Google Play Books.
  2. Amazon Kindle: You can purchase and download the Bible in various formats, including MOBI and PDF, from Amazon Kindle.

Please note that some of these resources may require you to create an account or agree to terms and conditions before downloading the Bible. Additionally, some resources may offer multiple translations or versions of the Bible, so be sure to choose the one that is most suitable for your needs.